Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My Weekend in Pictures & 5 "Thankfuls"

Made homemade Guacamole for the first time!
 Attempted family pictures before church.
 Bowling with my sister and her family! Then back to our house for a Taco bar!

 Relaxing... one of the best parts!

I most likely won't be blogging the rest of the week because of the holidays so here are 5 things I am Thankful for this year!

1. That I have a Savior who loves me and has an amazing plan for my life!

2. For the most handsome, caring, Godly, and loving husband ever!

3. For an amazing family and great friends!

4. For 2 pets who's love and company is amazing!

5. For a place to live, food to eat and jobs for me and The Hubs!

Honorable Mention:
1. That it was Hostess and not Little Debbie that went under.
2. That I get to spend Thanksgiving with my in-laws and eat some incredible food!
3. That I have absolutely nothing to do on Wednesday
4. That soon a Christmas tree will be in our living room :)
5. That Everybody Love Raymond is on Netflix!

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