Monday, March 25, 2013

Meet The Hubs

Oh how I love my Husband, my man, my boo, my main squeeze!

Known by (but doesn't always answer to) many names:

Boo Bear
Spanky Joe Britches
Colly Bear

He really is the best. How I lived 19 years of my life without him I don't know.
He is oh-so very handsome.
Is freakin' hilarious. 
Loves chips and salsa (sometimes I think more than me)
Is such a good listener, but not always a good remember-er.
Eats eggs 4 outta 5 mornings a week.
Sleeps on his back except for when he's being big spoon.
Loves Jesus. For Real.
Hates being pinched (wah-ha-ha).
Leaves his socks all over the house. And I mean allllllll over.
Can play the guitar like nobody's business.
Hates throw pillows.
Amazing graphic designer. No Joke.
World-class kisser.
Terrible at loading the dish washer. Like really terrible.
Smart. Too smart. 
My best friend.
Overall amazing man who I love more than anything. Marrying him is my best decision to date!

Basically... he's mine, na na na na boo boo ;)

I mean, look at the man. He's dreamy!

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