Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer Lovin’

Well, Summer is officially here and off to a great start. The week after I finished my last semester of classes EVER, I had a week off that was devoted to spending time with my 2 best friends from high school. Megan and Erin were here for a whole week and it was just like old times. We did a lot of eating and just lounging around and even went on an adventure to Castor River Shut Ins. When they left on Friday the rest of the weekend was devoted to one of my best friend’s weddings! 

Yea, pretty great start to Summer!

Week two began my full time job nannying for two darling little ones. A 3 year old boy and a 6 month old girl. They are a handful, but oh so fun and cute! One of the best parts is that I get home around 4:30 and have the whole evening free! I usually fill my evenings with laundry, cooking, watering plants, doing house projects, reading a good book, watching t.v., and of course reading countless blogs. 

I love Summer, I feel like things get done in the summertime and I have more drive and motivation. Here are a few snapshots from this summer so far, but there will of course be more as sweet summer continues. 

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