Friday, August 14, 2015

Week 13

Week 13 and not a whole lot has changed since week 12. Baby continues to grow and so does my belly! 

Please don't judge my artistic abilities, I did not inherit my dad's talent!

Maternity clothes? Wearing less of them since I am back to work. I can still fit in my regular shirts but I am doing the rubber band trick on some of my pants to make them more comfortable! 

Stretch marks? Nope! Let's keep it that way!

Sleep: I have had some really good nights of sleep lately! I have been waking up less to pee which really helps! 

Best moment this week: Going back to work (I'm a fourth grade teacher) has been fun. I was excited to share my news with my teacher friends and get back in a routine!

Miss anything? I got some great advice after the last post about making toasted sammies so I can eat lunch meat and it be safe. You better believe I went straight out and bought some mesquite turkey! 

I do miss feeling cute in my clothes. I am not quite to the really-cute-and-undeniable-baby-bump stage yet so I just feel like I look a little chunky in everything. O well! 

Food cravings: Still Uncrustables and orange juice but basically I see something that sounds good and I HAVE TO HAVE IT!

Anything making you queasy or sick? Eggs, particularly the smell. Some kettle beef at a teacher workshop lunch made me almost throw up also.

Gender: I really have no clue. We aren't finding out so I will be clueless until delivery! 

Symptoms: Nausea is pretty much gone (knock on wood), exhaustion is fading as well! To take its place came some lower back pain which I sure was caused by going back to school and being on my feet all day long.

Happy or moody most of the time: Still happy as a clam! 

Looking forward to: Still excited for that undeniable baby bump!

Hows Dad doing? Great! He likes to put his hand on my belly and rub it in weird circles. I tell him the baby doesn't like it but he assures me it does. 

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