Tuesday, November 3, 2015

24 Weeks and Chewbacca

So I missed week 23... oops! But after being harassed by my mother I am back with week 24! 

Maternity clothes? Pretty much exclusively wearing maternity clothes. Nothing else fits! Until last week I had only bought one maternity item myself. Then I hit up Zulily and broke down and ordered some things of my own. 

Sleep: Been sleeping great lately! Yay!

Best moment this week: Since in my last bumpdate I posted about being nervous about our big ultrasound, I better report on that! Everything looked perfect! We got those amazing pictures of baby's profile and got to see lots of movements. Baby was yawning a lot and that was so cool to see. The ultrasound machine even got kicked once! Baby is measuring right along with my due date and has a strong heart rate at 156bpm! 24 weeks also means baby is viable which is a huge relief! 

Also, we had a Halloween party at our house and the bump got all dressed up! We did a family Star Wars theme that included my bump as The Death Star, Kira as Princess Leia and Rigby as an Ewok! Collin's shirt is Darth Vader on a surfboard. 

Miss anything? My appetite in the evening. My heartburn is so bad it makes me not want to eat. 

Food cravings: Apples and pop tarts.

Anything making you queasy or sick? I pretty much feel sick all evening after like 4:00 because my heartburn kicks in. It is no fun to feel like you're about to throw up all night :( They say heartburn means our baby will have lots of hair, well if that's true our baby is going to be Chewbacca! 

Gender: Still going to hold strong until February! 

Symptoms: HEARTBURN! 

Looking forward to: Another appointment next week. I always love going in, hearing the heartbeat and getting the news that all is well!

How's Dad doing? Great! He has now seen and felt multiple kicks and he loves it! 

Baby's room: My sister helped paint the crib so all we need to do is put it together. We decided to rearrange the room a bit so we need to actually do that. All we need furniture wise is a glider and we are set! I am excited to start decorating! My sister and I have an IKEA trip planned which should prove to be very... successful ;) 


Deborah Raney said...

LOL! I wondered how Chewbacca would fit in to this post. :) Thank you for humoring your mama! I love these updates even more now that I've gotten to actually put my hand on your fat tummy and say "hi" to my newest grandbaby!

Anonymous said...

During my third pregnancy I had lots and lots of heartburn. I started eating really small meals and just ate more often. It did help but didn't get rid of it. By the way, he was a baldy.
