Monday, December 28, 2015

What Pregnancy Has Taught Me

As I enter my 8th month (yikes!) it makes me think about all the things I have learned so far during this pregnancy. Thought maybe I would share some of these thoughts and use this as my 32 week bump date!

Your body will change and there is nothing you can do about it.
I will admit it, I like to be in control. In just about every area I prefer to have control and know what to expect. I also very rarely get sick or feel unwell. Since being pregnant, my body has changed in strange ways and I have had symptoms that were less than desirable. I can't control it and have no idea what I will feel like from day to day or what changes I will wake up to. While I don't love this about pregnancy I will gladly endure it for the precious babe growing in my belly!

People will tell you each and every detail of their own labor... just accept it. 
Let me be clear, this really doesn't bother me that much. I am truly not worried about delivery, this baby has to come out of me somehow and there is no use in worrying about how it might happen. But there is something about being pregnant that for some reason makes every woman who has given birth want to tell you their horror stories. Good thing I'm not a worry wart!

Priorities quickly shift.
I used to be all about my career as a teacher and would stay until 4:30 or 5:00 every night to work in my classroom. I still absolutely love my job and put lots of care and effort into my classroom and students, but I naturally felt my priorities shift. This baby and my husband are my little family and I will always choose family over career. I have been training myself to leave work earlier (while still getting things done) so that when the little peanut comes I can get home to it and spend as much time as possible with my sweet family!

Not everyone's pregnancies are the same
So many people will give advice and tell you about their experiences through pregnancy. There are also tons of things online that you can read. Sometimes it makes me compare my pregnancy to others and begin to worry that mine is not normal or something must be wrong. But every woman's body is different and every baby is different. Comparisons can only hurt. I try to just trust God first and my doctor second.

Momma and baby connection is almost instant
I could not have guessed how quickly I would fall in love with this baby before even seeing its little face. I feel so intensely connected to this child inside me that I don't think I can describe it to someone who hasn't also experienced it. It is such a unique feeling and I can't wait to see how much that bond grows when baby is on the outside!

There are so many other things I have learned during these past 8 months and so much more I will learn after bebe is here. I just never want to forget these thoughts and feelings while going through it all for the first time. Cause I will hopefully be doing it a few more times and I'm sure I will forget by then!

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