One Month
Weight | 7 lbs 10 oz (at 2 week appointment)
Length | 20 1/2 inches (at 2 week appointment)
Hair | Nora has lots of strawberry blonde hair. It is one of our favorite parts about her!
Eyes | Right now they are blue like all babies but I am doubting they will stay that way with 2 brown eyed parents.
Clothes | Wearing newborn still, but as we see her grow some of the outfits are starting to get tight.
Diapers | Newborn. She still is not a huge fan of having her diaper changed but if you catch her at just the right time she won't cry until the very end.
Sleeping | Nora has been very hit or miss on the sleeping since the first week. Week 2 she slept pretty good and then she had her 3 week growth spurt and was waking up every hour and a half to eat. Needless to say, momma was exhausted. Luckily that only lasted 3 nights and then she went back to sleeping well at night! On the eve of her one month birthday she gave me a present and slept for a 6 hour stretch! I'm sure it was a fluke, but gosh was it nice!
Eating | Nora and I are now breastfeeding champs! The beginning of week 3 Nora started cluster feeding at about 6:00 every night and would eat every 45 minutes to an hour until 10:00. That was no fun at all, but again that stage only lasted about 4 days then she went back to every 2.5-3 hours. I have been using a shield because she had latch problems and this last week I have been weaning her off of it. It is slow going but I can tell eventually we will be able to go without it!
Likes | Her favorite thing is to be held up by your chest, facing out so she can look around at everything. She will let you do this sitting down for a very short period of time and then she wants you to walk around. She loves to snuggle close and nap with her mom or dad!
Dislikes | She does not like having her diaper changed (totally don't blame her). She also is not a fan of baths. If she's awake she doesn't like to be sitting for too long.
Milestones/Other | We have been doing lots of tummy time and she does a great job. She likes it for about 10 minutes and then she's ready to be done. She is also starting to really be alert when she is awake. It is so fun to watch her take in her surroundings and study our faces!
Happy 1-month birthday, sweet Nora! We love you so much and can't wait to get or hands on you again! Love, Papa & Mimi