Thursday, May 12, 2016

Nora Kate | Three Months

A little bit late on this one but give this teacher/momma a break! It's the last 2 weeks of school which are incredibly busy and exhausting! Better late than never though right?

Two Months

Weight | Somewhere around 12lbs

Length | Between 24-25 inches 

Clothes | She is now exclusively in 0-3 month clothes. Some brands of those are still a little big but most all 0-3 fit. 

Diapers | JUST moved her to 1's. Kind of sad she can't fit into the tiny newborn diapers anymore. 

Sleeping | This has been one of the best changes this month! Nora now sleeps exclusively in her crib from about 8:30-6:30 every night! She cut the middle of the night feeding out on her own! It is so incredibly nice to have some time for just The Hubs and I!

Eating | Nora loves to eat and boy does she let you know when it's time. She can be laying there completely content and happy one minute and then instantly start screaming when she decides she's hungry! It's surprising she's not chunkier than she is!

Likes | She loves to be kissed all over her face, loves "standing" while you hold her hands, and she loves the turtle toy over her changing table. 

Dislikes | Being hungry, her carseat after too long, and the Jaws theme song.

Milestones/Other | Our little lady rolled over this month! In true Nora style she did this quite early. It was not a one time thing either, she does it multiple times during tummy time if you catch her on a good day! 
Nora also had her first trip to a restaurant and was a perfect angel the whole time! 

Exciting Experiences | Because of Nora I got to celebrate my first mother's day and it was such a sweet day! I love my little gal so stinkin' much!

It's crazy how I want her to get to the next stage so much but also want her to stay exactly as she is at the same time! 
Here's to hoping that Nora keeps growing but that time passes slowly :)

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