So, without farther adieu, month five.
Nora at Five Months
Weight | 14 pounds
Height | Roughly 27 inches
Diapers | Size 2
Clothes | Just about to squeeze out of her 0-3 month clothes!
W H A T 'S N E W
Nora is growing like a weed (especially in the chub department) and learning so many new things!
| She can roll both ways
| Sit unassisted for a few seconds or in a leaning forward position.
| Reach and grab anything she wants
| Self-Soothing to sleep at night and beginning to do so for her naps too!
| Beginning to teethe. No teefers yet, but the drool is rampant and everything goes in her mouth, especially her pointer finger.
LOVES her jumper. She could bounce all day long in that thing, as well as chew on the edge of the seat all day long! She spend a good portion of the day completely content in that thing and squealing with delight!
LOVES taking a bath and kicking her legs in the water. A few times now she has gotten so into her kicking that she kicks the drain plug open and the water starts to empty!
LOVES any and all crinkle books.
LOVES her tugglie.
LOVES going out in public to look around and take every little thing in!
LOVES to play "Oh You Want Momma" a game I made up. It's quite riveting ;)
HATES lotion after baths.
HATES her carseat after long periods of time. She can handle about 15 minutes and then she is Over. It.
So glad there are more loves than hates!
Since having to switch to exclusively formula, Nora has shown no negative signs! In fact eating is a lot less stressful for us both! She takes a 4 ounce bottle in the morning and before bed and 5.5 ounces during the day. She also began solid foods this month and let me tell you, this girl is an eater!
She has tried:
Rice Cereal
Sweet Potato
She loves it all. Every last bite! I am currently doing a combination of homemade baby food and store bought. We were given some baby food so I don't want it to go to waste but I also wanted to make my own! So far I have made carrots, avocado, banana and peas. I don't think Nora cares who made it, she likes it all!
Right now Nora only eats solid foods in the evening but soon she will eat them at breakfast too!
We have been so incredibly blessed with an amazing sleeper! Now, that's not to say that we don't have weeks or days where she has a rough time sleeping but for the most part she is a pro sleeper! She went through the infamous 4 month sleep regression and then had a three day span of refusing to take naps longer than 20-30 minutes but after that all straightened out she is now on an incredible schedule!
| Nora wakes up between 5:00-5:30 and gets a small (4 oz) bottle, then goes back down until 7:00.
| At 9:00 Nora takes her morning nap which is anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half.
| Between 12:30-1:00 is when she takes her longest nap of the day, anywhere from 2-3 hours!
| Occasionally depending on when her afternoon nap ended she will take a 30 minute cat nap in the evening, but not always.
| Bedtime routine begins at 6:30 (bath, jammies, bounce on exercise ball and 2 songs, bedtime prayer) I lay her down awake and she is asleep by at least 7:15 every night! Yes you did the math right, my child sleeps 10 hours straight at 5 months! It is amazing. Trust me mom friends, I do not take this for granted, I know how blessed I am!
{UPDATE} I wrote this post a few days early to try and get ahead but forgot that her 5 month birthday would be while we were in Seattle. Sadly our whole trip she slept pretty terrible but the day we came home she was back to being an amazing sleeper. Guess she just really likes her own crib ;)
Oh Nora Kate,
Taking care of you is HARD work but I love it oh so much! You are just the best little gal and you make me smile daily. I love it best when you give me sloppy wet kisses and watching you see something new for the first time. I cannot wait to see all the things you will learn to do in the months to come! Keep growing NoNo. Momma loves you so much!
Five Month Photos
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