Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Who I Am

I am reading this amazing book and let me tell ya, it has a lot of notes in the margins and underlined words. 

This book is all about how we all have God-Sized dreams, meaning things we dream about for our lives but think will never happen or are hard to attain. But they can happen with God as the guide through the dream! It is written by Holley Gerth, who works as a life-coach and encouraging speaker. She sure does her job well because I find myself absolutely inspired after I read a chapter in the book. I get excited about my dreams and making them come to life with God as the center of it!

I was reading earlier this week and was stopped by something she wrote. It was so simple and in a way a “duh” moment but for some reason the way she put it into words was just exactly what I needed to hear.

Pg. 30 - You’re Made For A God-Sized Dream

“You are who you are for a reason. God could have designed you in any way that he wanted. After all, he spoke the world into being. Customizing you wasn’t a challenge. So why would he create you in a way that didn’t match up with the biggest dreams he has for your life?” 


I mean really, think about that. God created you exactly for the purpose he has for your life. This really encouraged me with all the doubts I have been having about teaching lately. I have a passion for working with children and not only that, but I feel God has blessed me with the gift of teaching. A tough semester at school and an “un-encouraging” professor made me doubt that I had any gift at all with kids. But I do, and God specifically designed me that way because his dream for me was to stand in front of a classroom of precious children and teach and inspire them. 

I was made with the tools I need to become my dream, a teacher. And not just a teacher but an encouraging and affective teacher. That was not an accident. God is a smart guy and sometimes I forget that. He knows what he is doing and has his strong hand on me the whole way. I pray that I remember this everyday as I complete my degree next semester.

What an amazing God we have.

P.s. I highly recommend this book if you couldn’t tell. Buy here


Laurel said...

Thank you for sharing, I will have to check this out! I know it's so easy to get discouraged (happens to me all the time) but we do serve an amazing God and I'm sure that if He put it on your heart to teach then you will do a wonderful job!

Deborah Raney said...

You will be an awesome teacher (already have been to many day care kids, VBS kids, swimming students, etc. etc. I'm sure your big sister had an influence on you, too, practicing HER gifts as a teacher on you from the time you were born. It's awesome to see how God has guided each one of you to places we never imagined.

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 1:4

Tobi said...

Can't wait to see how He works your dreams into His plan! (And secretly hoping it involves you teaching with me!)